- 6 years accumulation of knowledge and skills on talent selection and development with professional practise on talent assessment, carried out talent programs for discount wedding gowns various organizations. Rich experience on operating new wedding dresses managerial talent management program, which includes talent assessment, development program design and revaluation. - Good at designing and implementing the whole talent assessment process from ability test, personality custom made prom dresses evaluation, competency mapping to assessment center.
- Design core, leadership, functional and job specific competency/skills model, based on client business needs and performance chi hair straighteners expectation for the selection purpose. - Carry out the competency model through the whole talent management operation, and build the Lacoste Shirts best practise for the client from talent attracting to retaining and developing.- Help clients to do the assessment requirement analysis and provide optimized suggestions on their current selection progress.- Review and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of client’s talent assessment progress. Support and facilitate talent management process in cooperation with HR manager.- Provide customized psychometric services, like building norms and ideal profile for specific position.