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emerge. after being deployed into the environment, they can form a self-organizing wireless sensor network. Wireless Sensor Network can be used to detect environmental information actively ,so it has a very broad application prospects. Wireless Sensor Networks are a best clothes blog new technology of acquisition and processing, and one of the hot spots in computer network research.In Wireless Sensor Networks, operating system of wireless sensor network, as the necessary software discount wedding prom dresses support, have the responsibility to carry out more complex scheduling and management. It is running in each network node, and it's the foundation of the top applications and wedding dresses form china protocol operation. There have already been a number of WSNOS(wireless sensor dresses 1std network operating system), such as TinyOS, Mantis OS, SOS, Contiki operating system etc. As an integral part of the core operating system , scheduling system provide scheduled object definition, implementation of reasonable scheduling algorithm, as well as scheduling concurrency control mechanism between objects, and to a large extent ,its scheduling policy determines the operating system performance.